Shropshire Star

Telford burglar with dozens of convictions 'welcomes time in jail' after targeting dead man's home

A Telford burglar has been sent to prison for a year after a court was told that he finds time inside useful in kicking his addictions.

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Mark Preece, aged 44, of Farmlodge Grove, Malinsgate, pleaded guilty to burgling a home in Golf Links Lane, Wellington, with intent to steal on March 16 this year.

Shrewsbury Crown Court was told that the property had been empty at the time.

Alexa Carrier, prosecuting told judge Peter Barrie at the court on Monday that police had arrested Preece at the scene after he had been seen at a window of the property.

The property had belonged to a man who had died and his son was not there at the time.

Miss Carrier said that a TV set had been moved and a set of keys was missing but other than that "it was difficult to say whether anything was missing".

Miss Carrier said Preece had gone equipped to the scene and had been wearing black clothing and a canvas shopping bag at about 5.50am on the day of the offence.