Shropshire Star

Mum with 'post natal depression' took her newborn child on booze bender with friends

A woman who shouted homophobic abuse on a booze bender with friends and her 18-day-old baby has been sentenced by magistrates.

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Telford Magistrates Court was told that the 43 year old became "very drunk and aggressive" including throwing a bottle and "falling into a police car" during a pub crawl in Telford on the afternoon of Tuesday, August 1, 2023.

The woman, who cannot be named because it would identify the baby, pleaded guilty to four charges, including being drunk in charge of a child, one assault by beating of a woman, an assault of an emergency worker and using threatening, abusive, insulting words/behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress.

Miss Ros Buttler, prosecuting on Wednesday, said the defendant and another intoxicated woman became "very aggressive and abusive toward a pub manager" who "retreated" back to the inn.

The woman from Hollinswood called a pub manager a "gay *******" and a "gay ***" and directed other abuse at him.

She then directed her boozy attention towards other customers who were watching her antics and laughing.

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