Shropshire Star

'It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve': Man punished for drunken homophobic rant and threat to kill

A man who launched a homophobic rant against his sister's neighbour over the garden fence before making 'prolonged' threats to kill him while in custody at a police station has been sentenced.

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A judge was told that drunken Craig McMullen used the phrase "it is Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" and told police he would kill the man during the incident on August 6, 2023.

Dean Easthope, prosecuting at Shrewsbury Crown Court, said children had been present at the address which had been the focus of a long-running dispute.

"He used the phrase 'it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve', and made repeated threats while in custody saying to officers that 'I will go round and kill him' and 'I'm going round to kick his ******* head in'.

The row had kicked off over 'music and swearing' next door when McMullen, of Leighton Park, Shrewsbury, reacted out of proportion to being called 'gay'.

The location of the incident was recorded by the court..

Mr Easthope said there had been some 14 reported incidents between the neighbours.

McMullen, aged 42, had pleaded guilty to counts of making threats to kill and using homophobic abuse.

'No issues' since the incident

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