Shropshire Star

Shoplifter stole from shops across Telford, abused staff, terrorised old people and urinated in cell

A prolific Telford shoplifter who racially abused a shopkeeper, hit a security guard with a sign, urinated in a police cell and spat in an officer's face has been given a community order.


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Shamine Cameron, aged 44 and of Boulton Grange, terrorised customers at a shop in Brookside to such an extent that the shopkeeper would walk with scared, elderly people to their cars to reassure them.

Cameron hurled racial slurs at the shopkeeper, who has been putting up with her for 15 years and banned her from his shop long ago. She told him to "go back where he came from" and terrorised his elderly customers.

That was several months after she stripped off while in a police cell, urinated on a mattress and a floor and spat in the face of a constable who was guarding her. The officer had to go to hospital because Cameron had hepatitis C, a court heard.

Two months before that, Cameron had physically attacked two security guards at Telford's shopping centre who she accused of "picking on her".

In a confrontation with the two guards she tried and failed to pick up a green bin, before picking up a 'wet floor' sign and swinging it at them. One was able to dodge the sign but the other was hit, Telford Magistrates Court heard on Wednesday.

Prosecutor Katie Price told the court of Cameron's crimes, referring first to the attack on the security guards in Telford Centre on November 6 last year.

'She said we were picking on her'

Security officer Darren Owens provided his account of the incident, which Miss Price read to the court.

He said he and his colleague Ben Jaggers had been alerted to the fact Cameron, who had been banned from the shopping centre by exclusion order, was in the area.

Mr Owens and Mr Jaggers followed her to Poundland and asked her to stop. She carried on and exited the centre with the guards following.

"She had been verbally abusive, saying we were picking on her," Mr Owens' statement said.

Cameron spat at Mr Owens then tried to pick up a green bin before giving up and instead picking up a 'wet floor' sign, which she swung at both men. Mr Owens dodged it but Mr Jaggers was hit, the court heard.

She walked away shortly after. She was later convicted of two counts of assault by beating in relation to that incident.

Shamine Cameron targeted stores across Telford. Photos: Google