Letter: Nurses do more than nit pick
Letter: I was not pleased to read the letter of S Neville (May 21) in which he referred to nit nurses instead of school nurses.
Letter: I was not pleased to read the letter of S Neville (May 21) in which he referred to nit nurses instead of school nurses. (Read the letter here.)
I have had the privilege to work with the school health nurses in primary and secondary schools as clinical and school medical officer for two decades.
School health nurses played a pivotal role in caring for the growth and development of the schoolchildren, health education, vaccination and care of the children for special education needs.
Asking them to return to nit-picking would not be cost-effective for the NHS.
In accordance with the NHS constitution, which was introduced in 2008/9, patients and parents should also try to help themselves. Good hygiene, regular bathing, keeping school gear separately at home, using fine-toothed combs would minimize the lice infection.
The natural organic treatment dating back to the Srusade period is rosemary oil, which is used as deterrent.
Anti-lice shampoos and lotions are only effective if the whole family is treated with them.
Dr Nak Mahmandi
Stirchley Park