Shropshire Star

Letter: Shropshire school closures are anti-Christian

Letter: I am the parent of two children who attend Onny C of E school which is one of the schools on Shropshire Council's closure list. There will be many valid arguments given during the consultation period for not closing this excellent school.


Letter: I am the parent of two children who attend Onny C of E school which is one of the schools on Shropshire Council's closure list. There will be many valid arguments given during the consultation period for not closing this excellent school.

A point I have not seen mentioned is the indisputable fact that my children and their friends, and also other parents and I, are having our religious beliefs prejudiced.

This shocking treatment will be taking place if Onny C of E School closes. The children of our school are only being offered free transport to a school without a Christian ethos.

The two Christian schools in our area would be able to accommodate possibly 30 children, thus increasing the council's estimated travel costs.

If parents cannot afford to take their children to a Church of England School further afield these children would then be forced to attend a secular school, where they are guaranteed a space.

Surely this utter contempt for a person's religious beliefs is an infringement of their equality and human rights.

To the council's phrase "Every child matters" it should be added "as long as they have no religious beliefs".

Patrick Giles

Craven Arms

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