Shropshire Star

Call for explanation over school pollution incident after 800 tonnes of soil are removed

Calls have been made for Powys County Council to fully explain a “substantial” pollution incident at one of its high schools.

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Gwernyfed High School From Facebook

The council has revealed following questions by Plaid Cymru group leader, Councillor Elwyn Vaughan that 800 tonnes of soil has had to be dug out and taken away from Gwernyfed High School in Three Cocks between Brecon and Hay-on-Wye.

In May last year kerosene oil was found in the drainage system next to the sports hall at the school.

The leak could have been going on for several years and the cost of dealing with the incident is said to be £140,000.

Councillor Vaughan said: “In view of the importance of environmental matters to this authority, it is imperative that a full report on the situation is presented to councillors especially the education (Learning and Skills) scrutiny committee to ensure complete transparency and openness.