Shropshire Star

The heart-warming reason Telford pupils climbed the Wrekin and formed a giant heart

Hundreds of primary school children braved the rain on Wednesday to complete a fundraising challenge for charity.

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Pupils and teachers from Newdale Primary School conquered Telford's most iconic hill on Wednesday to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Around 360 pupils from years one through six scaled the Wrekin to form the shape of a heart at the hill's peak, to symbolise what headteacher Rachel Cook said was "the love and support we all feel towards those affected by this illness".

Miss Cook said the school had decided to take on the challenge to increase the profile of the "amazing work" done by the charity.

The mission has special significance for Newdale Primary, after one of their own teachers, Mr Jackson, was diagnosed with the disease earlier this year.

Volunteer, Kerry Smith, with pupils Sophie Keyrouz, 9 and Toby Hill, 9 and headteacher, Rachel Cook

One in two people will be affected by cancer during their lifetimes, and to represent the ratio, half of the school was asked to dress in red, while the other half was asked to dress in white.

Photo: Newdale Primary

Rachel added: "Thankfully, we have charities such as Macmillan that support those people and their families, so we're all out today in support of Macmillan."

In addition to the venture, some of the staff have also signed up to take part in an additional 10k to raise further funds, and on Friday, September 27, the school will be hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning to present their funds to the charity.

Headteacher Rachel Cook and Carole Green from Macmillan and Freddie Howells, 7, Corban Ofori, 7, Beauty Frimpong, 7, and Lily Gregory, 6

Before the children had even begun the 407-metre climb, the school had raised over £2,000 for Macmillan. By the following day, donations on the JustGiving page had reached £2,772.

More information is available on the school's JustGiving Page, which is available to view online at: