Shropshire Star

River review could lead to ban on new poultry farms

A review of nutrient levels in Welsh rivers could lead to a future moratorium on poultry farm planning applications.


The Welsh Government has said that environment body, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is now working on the review.

This follows concerns about pollution incidents affecting the River Wye which could be happening because of the number of poultry farms upstream.

The Wales Environment Link, a network of environmental, countryside and heritage non-governmental organisations has now added it’s weight to the calls for a moratorium in Powys, on poultry farms

They believe a moratorium should be in place until research has been done on the cumulative environmental impacts of the units currently operating, evidence is provided that negative impacts have been reduced and effective measures are in place to manage these impacts in the future, including any necessary changes to the planning system and permitting thresholds.

Green party Powys County Councillor, Emily Durrant, is backing their call. She has also written to the Powys County Council’s planning committee asking for support.

Councillor Durrant, said: “We have a responsibility to the wider population of Wales, both current and future generations.

“We must find ways to support sustainable and fulfilling livelihoods for our residents, whilst ensuring that these do not impede on the quality or sustainability of the wider population’s health, well-being and livelihoods, now and in the future.”

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