Shropshire Star

Latest Shropshire hygiene ratings with food businesses rated one out of five

The latest batch of hygiene ratings for Shropshire have been released by the Food Standards Agency.

Last updated
Food Standards Agency hygiene ratings

Out of the restaurants, takeaways, pubs and bars listed in the latest inspections, three businesses have been given the second-worst rating of one out of five.

Ratings reveal marks handed out in recent visits to the food businesses, where they are judged on their standards of 'hygienic food handling', 'cleanliness and condition of facilities and building' and 'management of food safety'.

The Red Barn in Shrewsbury was the only establishment in the latest set of ratings to receive a five-out-of-five rating, and it shared the news on its Facebook page.

The Facebook post said: "So today we had our local authority inspection. I am over the moon to say we achieved a 5.

"Super proud of my team and how we have moved forward and keep moving forward. Not to mention the support of our lovely customers.

"Thank you all."

Shifnal Balti, 20 - 22 Broadway, Shifnal, was handed a score of one out of five on August 3, and Mo's Hub, TF4, Telford was handed the one rating on August 4.

The ratings provide customers with a snapshot of hygiene standards. Five is considered ‘very good', four ‘good’, three ‘generally satisfactory’, two ‘some improvement necessary’, one ‘major improvement necessary’ and zero ‘urgent improvement required’.

Below are the full list of latest ratings:

One-out-of-five rating

  • Mo's Hub, TF4, Telford

  • Shifnal Balti Ltd, at Shifnal Balti, 20 - 22 Broadway, Shifnal

Two-out-of five rating

  • Galaxy at 37 High Street, Cleobury Mortimer

  • Minhs Restaurant, at Idsall Chambers, 20 Bradford Street, Shifnal

Three-out-of-five rating

  • Abel's Harp, Bromlow, Minsterley, Shrewsbury

  • Elephant And Castle, Drayton Road, Shawbury, Shrewsbury

  • Belle Vue Tavern at 115 - 117 Belle Vue Road, Shrewsbury

Four-out-of-five rating

  • The Boat Inn, Ferry Road, Jackfield, Telford

  • The Eagle And Serpent, at Eagle And Serpent, Kinlet, Bewdley

  • Cleobury Mortimer Golf Club at Wyre Common, Cleobury Mortimer

  • House Coffee at 120 Longden Coleham, Shrewsbury

  • New City Chinese Takeaway at 65 Church Street, Oswestry

Five-out-of-five rating

  • The Red Barn, 108 Longden Road, Shrewsbury

  • The Great Wall, a Chinese takeaway on Drayton Road, Shawbury, Shrewsbury