Shropshire Star

Snowdrops a sure sign that Spring is on the way in south Shropshire

This brightly glowing carpet of snowdrops found around St Peter's Church at Stanton Lacy, near Ludlow, are a certain sign that Spring is on the way.

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Shropshire Churches Tourism Group

Visitors to a Snowdrop Weekend, organised by Shropshire Churches Tourism Group, were delighted with the display of blooms.

Anni Holden, secretary of the Tourism Group, said: “This is a great time of year for people to have a look at their local churchyard.

"In the rural areas the snowdrops are so numerous, it looks like you have arrived in fairyland.

"St Peter's, in Stanton Lacy, is one of the outstanding places for snowdrops.

"The churchyard is a snow white carpet from end to end.

"The building is worth looking into as well as it is more than 1,000-years-old."

Anni is also a Trustee of Caring for God's Acre with special responsibility for the Churchyard Task Team.

She said: "Many other churches are homes to snowdrops so I would advise people to go and check out those in their locality.

"There should be plenty of flowers blooming until next month.

"Then, in March, the primroses and daffodils will take over and provide more marvellous displays of colour."