Shropshire Star

Green army educate Salopians on how to reduce their carbon footprint

Salopians went on a journey of discovery to find out how they can help combat climate change in their own way at a special green fair.


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The event, organised by Shrewsbury councillor Phil Gillam, was held at Belle Vue Youth Club in Rocke Street, Belle Vue

There were a range of stalls including food experts from Shrewsbury Fairtrade, Shrewsbury Food Hub and the Shrewsbury Street Allotment Project, sharing tips on how to reduce food waste, grow your own fruit and veg and more.

Save Our Shropshire educated people about carbon literacy - the impacts of carbon and what can be done to reduce emissions on an individual and community basis.

Participants also used a French connection to learn about climate change through "fresk" collages which detail the impact of climate chance on the planet. Fresk workshops were first launched in France in 2018 and have proven to be a popular way to teach people about the environment.

As well as all that, there was a bouncy castle to bring some fun for the kids.

Mr Gillam described it as "an opportunity for people to discover more about climate change and the kind of small actions they can take to help combat it."

He added that it was "A family friendly event with a number of great organisations on board."

"It was really good," he said. "The organisations were delighted with how it went and people seemed to be really engaged.

"I'd like to say thank you to Helen Hatton, the manager of Belle Vue Youth Club, who did a lot of stuff behind the scenes to help us out including providing teas and coffees and she even helped arrange a bouncy castle."

It was all part of the Great Big Green Week, which Shrewsbury Town Council got involved with by organising a range of activities including insect/wildlife watching, tree planting, learning about how to convert heating away from reliance on gas, community litter picking and more.

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