Shropshire Star

Shropshire weather: Find out how hot county is expected to get this week when heatwave arrives

We are finally seeing some blue skies and feeling that warm summer breeze on our skin.


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If you think it's warm now, you might be surprised come Friday when the county is forecast for 29C (84.F) highs.

The Met Office forecast for Shropshire over the next few days promises plenty of sunny spells and much warmer weather than we have had – today, we will see highs of 23C (73.4F) and a warm night with a minimum temperature of 12C (53.6F).

Thursday will bring a cloudy morning but will soon brighten up with plenty of sunshine, feeling warm with a light breeze – there will be highs of 25C (77F).

Friday to Sunday is forecast to be warm but there will be a higher chance of rain across some parts of the West Midlands.

Friday will see highs of 28C and lows of 16C (60.8F). Saturday's forecast shows an increased risk of heavy showers leading to some humidity, but Sunday will be dry and cooler with highs of 20C (68F) and lows of 12C.

Summer may finally be arriving

The hot weather comes after well above-average rainfall figures in the first half of the month, including a weather warning for rain on Tuesday evening.

Met Office spokesperson Nicola Maxey said England had 97 per cent of July's average rainfall between July 1 and 15.

She added: "There are quite big regional differences but overall it's looking like a wet month so far.

"There is a caveat that, with a dry couple of weeks, by the end of the month things could even themselves out."

She said that two or three heavy downpours often caused much of a location's July rainfall totals, rather than a prolonged period of wet weather.