Shropshire Star

Solar panels on farm buildings could help meet energy needs, says MP

Solar panels on the roofs of farm buildings could play a crucial role in meeting future energy needs, an MP has said.

Could solar panels on the roof of farm buildings be the answer to meeting rural energy needs?

Mark Pritchard, MP for the Wrekin, has called for the Government to work with the National Union of Farmers to help deliver 'community energy schemes' in rural areas.

During a debate on community energy in the House of Commons this week, Mr Pritchard asked energy minister Andrew Bowie to meet with the National Farmers Union about the possibility of working with the industry to produce electricity in rural areas.

Mr Pritchard said the Government's solar taskforce had identified supermarket rooftops as possible locations for solar panels to supply the surrounding neighbourhoods, but no reference had been made to the roofs of farm buildings.

"It makes sense that community schemes, working with local farmers in rural areas, can deliver community energy and allow farmers to diversify," said Mr Pritchard.

Mr Bowie said he would be happy to meet Mr Pritchard to discuss the proposal.