Shropshire Star

Topics in spotlight as farmers tour business near Shrewsbury

Sustainable farming methods and the ways grasses, herbs and legumes can benefit soil and livestock health will be put under the spotlight when farmers tour a business near Shrewsbury.

Last updated
Graham Price

The NFU Shropshire crop walk has been organised by county chair Graham Price as farmers look at options for their businesses through the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI).

SFI encourages farmers to carry out farming activities in a more sustainable way encouraging businesses to produce food alongside environmental goods and services.

The SFI crop walk, being hosted by Robert Kynaston, will be at Great Woolaston, Halfway House, on June 5 at 7pm.

Robert’s family business was a LEAF demonstration farm and he has been growing crops and herbal leys for three years.

He will give farmers a tour of the business and speak about his management of the fields, how he uses herbal leys and how they improve livestock health and soil fertility.

Herbal leys are sown pastures made up of a mix of grasses, herbs and legumes, which bring a range of business benefits. They encourage biodiversity, help businesses be productive when there is low rainfall, can help lower fertiliser and crop protection product costs and increase crop yield and quality, while also controlling weeds like blackgrass in arable rotations.

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