Shropshire Star

HCC targets health professionals with information around red meat

Welsh red meat promotion body Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) is focusing on  red meat misinformation through the launch of a newsletter targeted at health professionals.

The logo
The logo

The Red Meat & Health Bulletin is a bilingual, quarterly update from HCC for individuals working in healthcare looking for evidence-based information around red meat and health. 

The bulletin includes resources on specific health areas such as: red meat’s nutritional qualities, research and policy, updates from healthcare professionals and balanced recipes to use at work or home.

The first edition of the Bulletin will focus on the topic of red meat and fat.

HCC’s Consumer Executive, Elwen Roberts, said: “Feedback from health professionals has identified that there is a demand for evidence-based information around red meat, so the new Red Meat & Health Bulletin will provide bilingual information for nurses, midwives, doctors and anyone working in the health and care profession."

To sign up to the newsletter, or to view HCC’s health and education focused resources, go to HCC’s dedicated health and education website 

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