Shropshire Star

Man sentenced for "absolutely disgraceful act" on "defenceless" Jack Russell

A man who caused the death of a Jack Russell crossbreed dog when he threw it out of a house was told by a court it had been “an absolutely disgraceful act on a defenceless animal.”

Morgan must complete 180 hours unpaid work as punishment.

Jason Morgan, 36, a father of two, of Beech Drive, Mold, North Wales, was ordered to carry out 180 hours unpaid work and a rehabilitation requirement.

He was also banned from keeping an animal for six years by the town’s magistrates and has to pay a £114 surcharge.

Morgan admitted causing unnecessary suffering on December 22 to “Titch” by inflicting blunt force trauma resulting in serious injury.

Peter Mitchell, prosecuting for the RSPCA, said the dog’s owner had asked Morgan to put the dog outside as Titch was about to go to the toilet against a sofa.

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