Shropshire Star

More than 1,000 items scanned means town young farmer's foodbank donation was 'beeping brilliant'

Young farmers have donated £1,000 to a market town's foodbank.

Last updated
Picture: Ludlow Young Farmers

Ludlow Young farmers say they had an "extremely successful charity bonfire night" which was heavily supported by the people of the town.

"Ludlow Young Farmers wanted to give something back to the community," said the club's Frazer Tudor.

Picture: Ludlow Young Farmers

"With the festive season fast approaching, the club made the decision to buy and donate £1,000 of food to Ludlow Food Bank."

Food that was donated included festive treats such as mince pies and Christmas puddings, along with more vital everyday items such as nappies, washing up liquid, and tins of various meals and soups.

"The club hopes that this donation will help families with the current cost of living crisis, especially going into the holiday season," said Frazer.

The club also thanked staff and a member of the checkout team at Aldi in Ludlow called Sarah who was beeping brilliant at scanning more than 1,000 items.

"Ludlow Young Farmers would like to thank everyone involved in the fundraising efforts and wish the people of Ludlow a very Merry Christmas," said Frazer.

Ludlow Town Council has also recently visited Ludlow Food Bank to meet the volunteers to see what they do. The town council were delighted to donate 50 Christmas presents to their Christmas parcels.