Shropshire Star

Market Drayton care firm staff 'blown away' by community support for festive food bank

A homecare service in Market Drayton has been "blown away" by the "unbelievable" community support for its temporary food bank.

Georgia Bennion, care coordinator and Bethany MacNaughton-Hughes, deputy manager

The managing director of Hands on Care, Mandy Hands, was inspired to set up a temporary food bank for the festive period after seeing someone reach out for help on a Market Drayton community Facebook page.

After getting in contact with local schools and businesses for some help, the staff at Hands on Care say they have been blown away by donations.

Deputy manager, Bethany Macnaughton-Hughes explained: "Mandy wanted to put something in place in the period between Christmas and New Year, when food banks might be closed or more people are struggling.

"Three schools in Market Drayton have helped out massively, they sent emails out to all the parents and did collections.

"We also contacted Wetherspoons in town and they've been a collection point for us. It's been mad, we've received so much stuff and everyone has been so incredibly generous.

"We've got lots of food and toiletries too, shampoos, soaps, feminine products, we have quite a lot of baby products. We have a lot of children's winter coats, adults' winter coats, there's quite a lot of children's clothes and shoes.

"The community's pulled together - it's blown us away. It's just a case of coming down and picking up.

"No questions asked, no paperwork to fill in."

The organisation has also taken several mystery deliveries and is keen to track down the generous donors.

Bethany said: "We've had a couple of big - and I mean big - Amazon parcels turn up, but no one has left a note. We'd love to reach out and say thank you, but there's no information."

The company's base at United House at Tern Hill will be open on Saturday, December 30 for collection.

Anyone with information on the generous donor or donors is asked to call the office on 01952 743490

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