Letter: Excellent care by staff and two health authorities saved my life
During the past, few months I have been the recipient of outstanding good health care.

The concerns regarding my health started with a routine health check at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, I was then referred to Telford for an angiogram after which I was not allowed home and a bed was found for me at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital. Then, after seven days, I was transferred to Stoke Cardiac Hospital for heart bypass surgery.
The excellent doctors clearly spotted problems with my heart. I was immediately made aware of my serious heart problem (I could have had a serious heart attack at any time), I was an inpatient at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital for seven days until a bed became available at Stoke Cardiac Unit (where I understand a lot of people from Shrewsbury who require heart surgery are referred to). These NHS hospitals saved my life. I had a quadruple bypass and after a three-and-a-half week stay in hospital I went home to convalesce.
Upon the advice of the hospital I have since attended the cardiac rehabilitation unit at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital over a three-month period which included attending the gym, during which time I was closely monitored. This rehabilitation helped with my recovery. This was the first time that I had ever been in a gym. I intend to continue to exercise in a gym, along with walking and cycling. I know it costs the NHS a lot of money for these types of heart surgery and therefore it is so important that patients help their recovery by attending the rehabilitation programme. I am so grateful to the consultants, doctors and nurses for their excellent care.
Finally thank you to the Shrewsbury and Stoke Health Care for the care and attention I received. I intend to live life to the full due to the great care I received under both Shropshire and Staffordshire Health Authorities.
John Goodwin, Shrewsbury
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