Shropshire Star

Thankful couple donate £2,000 to Shrewsbury-based fertility centre

A couple have donated almost £2,000 to the Shropshire and Mid Wales fertility centre to thank staff for making their dreams come true.

Lucy, Dave and James Andrew

Lucy and Dave Andrew, who live near Oswestry, now have a son James, aged two-and-a-half, with a second child due in August – thanks to the efforts of the fertility centre, which is based at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH).

Lucy, 31, and Dave, 36, donated £1,985 through a charity golf day they organised to thank staff.

Lucy said: “The Fertility Centre at RSH is a cause very close to our hearts. We were under the care of the fertility clinic for over five years, and through their excellent treatment we have been blessed with the safe arrival of our son James and another on the way due this August.

“Throughout the five years it took to have James, we experienced many highs and extreme lows and at some points felt that all hope was lost. The amazing staff at the fertility clinic have seen us on our best days and on our worst and their unfaltering hope and care gave us the strength to carry on and achieve our dream of having a family.

“After the excellent care we received throughout the difficult process we decided we would like to give something back to say thank you, which is why we organised to raise money in their honour. Not only will it help them to continue their excellent work, we are also hoping it will help other couples achieve the dream of becoming a family.”

The couple donated the money to the department this week after holding a charity golf day at Llanymynech Golf Club in April.

A total of 40 players – in ten teams of four – took part, while the day also featured a raffle, with many prizes donated by local businesses. An auction was also held.

Lucy added: “I’d like to thank everybody who supported the event – businesses which donated prizes, entrants in the golf event and everyone who took part in the raffle or auction.

“We were overwhelmed with the success of the day, which we were inspired to organise by the excellent treatment we’ve received at the fertility centre, as well as through my husband and both our dads’ love of golf.

“Without staff at the fertility centre we wouldn’t have our beautiful boy James, who is the most delightful and happy child.

"We have been amazed that once you bring up the subject of the fertility clinic just how many people they help and others tell you their story of treatment and often success.

“Fertility seems to be a taboo subject that many are not happy to discuss. This can make it a very isolating experience and so as well as the much needed funds, we wanted to raise awareness of infertility and that there is hope for couples out there.”

Jason Kasraie, consultant clinical embryologist, said: “We’re delighted that Lucy and Dave had such a positive experience of our service and are overwhelmed by their kind words and generosity.

“On behalf of the department, I’d like to thank Lucy and Dave for their generous donation, and everyone who supported their charity golf day, raffle and auction.”