Leominster teenager calls on bullies to stop the whispers
No-one likes to be talked about behind their backs but imagine how much worse it feels when you’re a young person who’s already suffering from mental health issues.
That is the kind of painful bullying that one teenager has addressed in a new video that is raising awareness on social media and beyond.
Nathan Hiams, 19, is a residential care worker from Leominster who works with young people with disabilities.
With the assistance of Fixers, the charity which gives young people a voice, he’s created a powerful short film about the stigma felt by young people with mental health issues.
Nathan who himself has two hidden disabilities – dyslexia, which makes it hard to read, write and sometimes pronounce words, and dyspraxia causes difficulty with coordination and movement – said he drew on his own experiences of being the subject of cruel "whispers" in the past.
He said: "When I was diagnosed as a toddler, my parents were told that I’d never get a job. If I’d believed that as I grew up, I’d have done nothing with my life.
"Once, while volunteering at a local charity shop, I was asked to put all the new books into a display in alphabetical order. I tried, but soon I had over 100 books piled in front of me, I was really struggling and felt quite panicked.
"Soon I could hear people whispering 'he’s thick!' and 'doesn’t he know his alphabet?'
"I could hear every word. Luckily, I’m resilient, but it still made me feel very awkward. If I hadn’t had the confidence I have, then a situation like that would destroy me."
Now Nathan is determined to spread his message with his video 'Stop The Whispers!’, urging people to instead offer understanding and support, especially to someone with mental health struggles.
"I’ve seen so often how workplaces and schools are full of gossip about other people. I don’t ever judge those who talk, they’re often not a bad person – often they don’t know the pain they’re causing and even say things they don’t actually believe.
"People are afraid of the unknown. People are afraid to talk about mental health, and often don’t understand what it means. We just need to educate them, show them the damage they’re causing and urge them to be offer support and friendship instead.
"Don’t let the whispers get you down. You’re not alone, others are going through the same thing, and help is out there, so open up and talk to your parents, teachers, friends, any people you can trust. And don’t be afraid – it will get better," he said.
Nathan's video is available to view at www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPhZNGVU90Q&feature=youtu.be.