Elderly put at risk by Telford care service - report
Elderly people in Telford were left at risk of harm and potential abuse by a now-closed domiciliary care service, inspectors found.
Although now shut, Carradice Care, in Wellington, has been officially rated as ‘requires improvement’ by Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspectors.
They found staff did not always wash their hands, were not properly trained and did not take complaints seriously.
The CQC rated the service as requires improvement across all areas in its report, which was published this week.
In full:
At the time of the visit in May 2018, 33 people were using the service.
Inspectors wrote: "At this inspection we found people were at risk of not receiving a safe and effective service. We found the registered provider did not ensure that all staff had the necessary skills and competence to assist people safely with their care.
"The management of people's medicines was not safe to ensure they received their medicines as directed by the prescriber. People were placed at risk of harm because staff did not always have access to risk assessments that provided accurate information. People were not always protected from the risk of potential abuse."
Inspectors said staff failed to wear their uniform, which increased the risk of people just walking into the care home and pretending to work there.
"People were at risk of avoidable infections because staff did not always wash their hands or use personal, protective equipment," they said.
"Accidents were not managed effectively to reduce the risk of it happening again."
Inspectors found the service was not consistently safe, effective, caring, responsive or well-led.
"People could not be confident their complaint would be listened to, taken seriously or acted on," they said. "People's cultural and religious
needs were not met by staff. Systems and practices were not in place to assist people who could not speak English or those with a sensory impairment."
Carradice Care had closed by February this year. Nobody connected with the care home could be reached for comment.