Shropshire Star

Hundreds of people were admitted to hospital last year after self harming

Hundreds of patients were admitted to hospital for self-harm in Shropshire last year, new figures reveal.

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Hundreds of self harm admissions

The mental health charity Mind says A&E can be a frightening place for someone in a mental health crisis, and that people must get the support they need before reaching that point.

Public Health England data shows there were 480 emergency hospital admissions for self-harm in Shropshire in 2018-19, and 435 in Telford and Wrekin in 2018-19 – the most since ​2013-14.

That’s 164 cases for every 100,000 people in the Shropshire area, and 238 in Telford & Wrekin – the average rate across England was 193.

The number of admissions in Shropshire rose from 454 in the previous year, and was also much higher than 370 in 2010-11, when comparable records began.

Nationally, hospital admissions for self-harm have risen for the last two years, reaching 109,000 in 2018-19, although this was below the peak of 114,000 in 2013-14.

Mind's head of policy and campaigns Vicki Nash said the increase was "worrying", but that it was hard to say exactly what was causing it.

She added: "Whatever the reason we end up there, A&E can be a frightening place for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis.

"That’s why we want to make sure as many people as possible get the support they need long before they reach that point.

"We also need to take into account the wider social issues such as poor housing, employment issues and financial strain, which can all have a huge impact on our mental health.

“The NHS in England has promised £2.3 billion a year for mental health, but we must see this reach the front line if we are going to see people’s experiences on the ground improve.”

The likelihood of women across England being admitted to hospital for self-harm continues to be much higher than for men, the figures show.

Shropshire was no exception last year, when the admission rate for women was 219 per 100,000, compared to 112 in 100,000 for men​.

Telford & Wrekin was the same with the admission rate for women at 284 per 100,000, compared to 195 in 100,000 for men​.

The gap reached its widest on record nationally in 2018-19 – the female admission rate was 247 in 100,000, compared to a male rate of 142 per 100,000.

Ms Nash said that experiences such as domestic violence and abuse can increase the likelihood of women experiencing a mental health problem.

People are also much more likely to end up in hospital for self-harm if you live in a deprived neighbourhood.

The admission rate was 241 in 100,000 for the most deprived 10 per cent of areas in England, compared to 174 per 100,000 for the 10 per cent least deprived.

According to Public Health England, self-harm is one of the top five causes of emergency hospital admission.

The government body says the figures represent “only the tip of the iceberg in relation to the health and well-being burden of self-harm”.

Clare Perkins, head of mental health at PHE, said: “Tackling self-harm requires a joined-up approach across local NHS services, social care, schools and the wider community to ensure people and their families are supported through life’s challenges."

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