Shropshire Star

Anti-anxiety drug deaths are 'highest in West Midlands for a decade'

Deaths linked to prescription drugs for treating anxiety and insomnia are at the highest level in the West Midlands for a decade, analysis suggests.


NHS and ONS figures analysed by social care organisation Turning Point show that benzodiazepines – a class of sedative – were mentioned on the death certificates of 60 people in the West Midlands in 2020.

This compares with 27 in 2010, showing deaths have more than doubled in 10 years, according to the analysis.

The West Midlands ranks fifth among English regions for highest benzodiazepine deaths in 2020.

Deaths in England and Wales linked to diazepam – trade name Valium – rose the highest among all benzodiazepine-type drugs in the last decade from 186 to 304, representing an increase of 63 per cent.

Known as ‘benzos’, these psychoactive substances help calm brain activity and are used to treat fits along with other conditions.

However, dealers and other suppliers also sell them illegally to counteract the effect of stimulants like mephedrone (Mcat) and they are highly-addictive which can lead to overdoses.

The death certificate data does not list benzos as the main cause of loss of life and no comprehensive figures are available to estimate the number of people addicted, Turning Point said.

But the social care organisation said that urgent action is needed to prevent further tragedies and improve support for those who are dependent on the drug. Cuts in funding for substance misuse support services, increased pressure on primary care and benzo users ageing as a group are among possible reasons for the rise in deaths, said the social care organisation.

This is despite the fact that prescriptions for benzos in England have fallen overall from 11.3 million in 2010 to 8.6 million in 2020 following warnings about the high risk of dependency.

Meanwhile data from health authorities shows that in the Midlands (West and East) the number of patients prescribed diazepam specifically has dropped by 20 per cent since 2015.

Dr David Bremner, Turning Point's group medical director, said the drop in prescriptions was welcome but more action is needed.

He added: “The increase in deaths across the country is a concerning trend – each one is a tragedy.

“Cutbacks to addiction support services and increased pressures on GPs are among factors that are likely to blame for this rise.

“Services are working with GPs to help people reduce their use of benzos and find alternatives to medication. Sustained investment in treatment services is key if the government is to address this public health crisis.”