Shropshire Star

Hope house to show impact of donors on the lives of local children

A local children’s hospice is opening its doors and hosting Donor Appreciation Mornings to show first-hand how generous people change the lives of local children.

Hope House

At the Hope House Donor Appreciation Morning in November, the charity will share its aspirations for the future and introduce people to some of the children and families who are already benefitting from the generosity of the community.

It was after visiting the hospices and seeing first-hand the care and support that children receive as a direct result of his regular donations, supporter David Rowe decided to leave the hospice a gift in his will.

“I am not originally from the area, but there have always been connections to children’s charities in my family,” said David, 77.

“I started by making one-off donations from history talks I gave before making regular donations.

“But after visiting the hospices and seeing the incredible work that is done there, when it came around to renewing my will I decided that I wanted to leave a larger gift in my will to help the children and families that need the care.”

David, who lives with his with Judith in Mold, says leaving a gift in his will to Hope House Children’s Hospices means he can leave a lasting legacy.

“When the time does come, I will be glad to know that something good will come from it,” he said.

"I am fortunate to be able to be in a position to leave something in my will and it’s actually quite nice to know that once I have gone, I will still be able to contribute to help making sure that children and families who really need this vital care can still get access to it in the future.”

Both Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith are hosting donor appreciation mornings in early November where people can see first-hand how their support makes a difference.

To learn more about the mornings and to reserve a place visit

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