Shropshire Star

'I've got incurable cancer - but I'm determined to help others in their Race for Life'

A nursery nurse who is determined to live life to the full, despite living with incurable cancer, will take to the stage to start Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life next month.

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Victoria Powers, from Cheslyn Hay, will sound the starting horn at Telford Race for Life to highlight the importance of early detection and life-saving research.

After being diagnosed with breast cancer just days before her 28th birthday, in April 2017, Victoria chose to have both breasts removed to reduce the risk of re-diagnosis.

The tough decision was made after genetic testing showed she carries the faulty version of the BRCA2 gene.

That’s when she discovered both her grandmother and great-grandmother on her dad’s side had died of breast cancer.

Thinking the nightmare ordeal was behind her, Victoria completed the 5k Race for Life in Walsall in 2018 to raise funds for research and celebrate the end of her treatment.

But five years later, in December 2022, Victoria developed a cough as she prepared for what was meant to be her final breast check-up.

Tests showed the cancer was back, this time in her lungs and liver with early signs in her bones and lymph nodes.