Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury pub fears tougher restrictions following Scotland's announcement

On Wednesday evening, Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced tougher restriction on pubs – and Shropshire's publicans fear it could be England's turn soon.

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The Wheatsheaf pub landlady Ellen Brennan

The new tougher restrictions imposed in Scotland ban pubs from opening in Glasgow and Edinburgh and other central locations, while pubs in the rest of the country can only serve alcohol outdoors.

Ellen Brennan and Mandy Bishton, joint licensees of The Wheatsheaf pub in Shrewsbury, think the restrictions could hit England's pubs soon.

Ms Brennan said: "It's a big worry really for everybody. Restricting hours has been a bit of a nightmare.

"It was always going to be quiet in the day anyway because older people don't want to come out as they are frightened."

Ms Bishton added: "I have got a horrible feeling we are going to be shut down again. We are obviously quite lucky in Shropshire in terms of cases, but it is the financial side of things for everybody.

Ellen Brennan outside The Wheatsheaf

"There are not many local breweries left, its horrific at the moment. All publicans are feeling it.

"We have an outside area and as we are mainly a live music venue, it has been useful. But inside we can only fit around 30 people. We have lost our big festival, our Oktoberfest.

"Although we got a grant – it helped – but it was nothing compared to what we would have taken those weekends."

The pair called on the council for more support, especially with rents and licensing fees.

"I think we need a bit of support from the council as well in respect of showing a bit of leniency with licensing," Ms Bishton said. "Trading hours are really restricted now – we call last orders at 9.15pm as we are so frightened of getting everybody out and the doors shut at exactly 10pm each day.

"We used to have people come in at noon, but that was mainly older people, as they would come for the social interaction.

"The ridiculous thing with closing at 10pm is everyone is out on the streets at the same time. No-one is sure of anything at the moment, do we order beer, or do we not? It's really difficult."

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