Shropshire Star

Drop in car crashes as pandemic leads to reduced traffic

Dozens of people died and more than 300 were seriously injured in road traffic accidents last year, figures for West Mercia Police show.

The number of collisions on the county's roads did fall with traffic reduced during last year's lockdown.

With reduced road usage during the coronavirus pandemic, fatal and serious road traffic accidents dropped by more than a fifth across the country but 33 people still lost their lives due to collisions around West Mercia in 2020.

However, less traffic contributed to an 18 per cent decline in the number of people killed or seriously hurt locally and an overall drop of 26 per cent in the total number of casualties, from 2,585 in 2019 to 1,900.

Department for Transport figures show at least 380 suffered serious, potentially life-changing injuries.

And the number of people left with slight injuries is likely to be higher than the 1,487 recorded as not all crashes or collisions are reported.

In Powys, 14 people died in collisions last year, with a 42 per cent decline in the number of people killed or seriously hurt, and an overall drop of 36 per cent in the total number of casualties, from 1,535 in 2019 to 989.

Government figures show 256 suffered serious, potentially life-changing injuries, while there were 719 with slight injuries although the figure is likely to be higher.

The AA say the Government must do more to eradicate road deaths completely by the end of the decade, while road safety charity Brake say it is unacceptable to see lives lost or changed forever as a result of preventable crashes.

Road traffic across Britain dropped by over a fifth in 2020 compared to the previous year with the overall number of casualties plunging by a quarter in that time.

But cyclist deaths rose, from 100 in 2019 to 140 last year.

A spokesman for Brake said the national decrease in deaths and serious injuries represented a step in the right direction and demonstrated the possibility of reducing casualties.

He called for better investment in vehicle safety and infrastructure, more segregated spaces for cyclists and pedestrians and appropriate speed limits, adding: "Every death on our roads is a tragedy for the victims' loved ones, while injuries can have devastating consequences on an individual’s life.

"We need a concerted focus on reducing road deaths and catastrophic injuries. This requires ambitious targets to end the carnage on our roads."

AA president Edmund King said 2020's reduction in road traffic casualties should not become a "one-off" as he called for the Government to introduce road safety targets.

He said: “Regardless of how we use the roads, we all have a responsibility to one another to ensure people can travel safely.

“For many years the Government has not set any road safety targets.

"If we are serious about a vision zero for road deaths the Government should urgently reintroduce targets so we can work hard to end road deaths as quickly as possible.”

A Department for Transport spokesman said: “While we have some of the safest roads in the world, this Government will continue to work tirelessly to ensure they are made even safer.

“Our targeted THINK! Campaign continues to educate road-users, and as part of our 2019 Road Safety Statement we committed to a two-year action plan to help promote safer driving on our roads.”

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