Men needed for My Fair Lady
An amateur dramatic group has closed applications for actresses in its upcoming production of My Fair Lady but says they are in desperate need of male actors to play the male parts.

In June, The Bridgnorth Musical Theatre Company (BMTC) put a call out for actresses for its forthcoming production of the George Bernard Shaw musical set to be performed at Bridgnorth Lesisure Centre between Februay 13-17.
As a result, the BMTC had a "fantastic response" to the group's first workshop last Wednesday with so many budding actresses attending they have noow closed auditions for female parts.
But the group said they are in need of "more men, to play male parts"
In a Facebook post the BMTC said: "We need male actors, singers and dancers, if you’ve performed or haven’t performed on stage come and give it a go.
"Whatever your voice type if you are experienced or just sing when no one is listening reach out, our members range from those who have performed all their life, some have been through professional training to those who perform as a hobby to those who have never performed before.
"Come and be a part of our spectacular production of My Fair Lady in February next year."
Anybody interested is asked to contact: