Shropshire Star

STAR Housing missing targets when it comes to repairs and managing complaints - report

A company responsible for managing around 4,000 homes on behalf of Shropshire Council has missed targets around repairs and complaints management.

Last updated
Councillor Dean Carroll

Shropshire Council will be reporting on the performance of Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing (STAR Housing) at the next Cabinet meeting on November 22.

STAR Housing was created in 2013 as an 'arms-length' management organisation.

Since then STAR Housing has been overseen by the council and, following a strategic external review of services provided under the council’s Housing Revenue Account in 2022, this arrangement was renewed for another 10 years.

Due to changes in legislation, regulation, emerging housing need, and the needs and expectations of council residents, a review of the oversight and governance arrangements and structures which monitor the work of STAR Housing is currently taking place.

Shropshire Council regularly monitors the company’s activities, operations and performance to ensure that it delivers excellent services, and it is this that Cabinet is receiving an update on for discussion.

As detailed within the report and accompanying appendix, STAR Housing is currently missing its targets in the areas of voids, repairs and complaints management. The Asset Assurance Board, along with the strategic housing team, will continue to closely monitor progress in these areas as STAR Housing works through its current plans to make improvements.

Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for housing and assets, said: “I very much welcome this report, and I am pleased to see that STAR Housing is continuing to deliver good services on our behalf.

“However, where some areas are not performing as well as they should be, it’s important that STAR Housing is held to account, and that their planned improvements are followed through successfully.

“We’re keen to continue to work together to ensure that we have the quality homes that our residents want and need.”