Shropshire Star

Shropshire remembers as skies lit up to remember D-Day

Beacons lit up the skies across Shropshire last week as the county remembered 80 years since the Normandy Landings.

The beacon in Bridgnorth

Beacons were lit across the UK on June 6 to commemorate D-Day with beacons in the county being lit in various towns including Wem, Bridgnorth, Newport, Much Wenlock and Market Drayton.

Bridgnorth had teamed up with the Severn Valley Railway to mark the day when Allied forces took part in the largest land invasion in history in June 1944.

The town's beacon was lit at the Castle Grounds following a service in the town and saw hundreds of people attend to pay their respects.

In a statement following the event, Bridgnorth Mayor, Ian Wellings said: “I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for attending our D-Day 80th Anniversary event last night. Your presence and support made this commemoration truly special.

“I am very proud that Bridgnorth is participating in commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings.

“The Town Council are honoured that the Severn Valley Railway joined in partnership with us for this event. It is so important that these momentous occasions, and everyone who took part in them, with thousands paying the ultimate sacrifice, are never forgotten.”

Some 250 people also turned out to pay their respects in Much Wenlock, in an event that included singing by the church choir and a reading by Town Mayor, Marcus Themans before a beacon was lit on the Priory grounds.

Deputy Mayor Dan Thomas from Much Wenlock Town Council said: “I cannot honestly put into words how humbling it was to see such a massive turnout tonight at Much Wenlock’s D-Day Beacon Service.

"A lot of planning goes in to a community event, and seeing so many of you there in support really brings home the exact reasons why we do this. Wenlock Remembers.”

The beacon burning in Much Wenlock
The beacon in Market Drayton
The Beacon in the Priory grounds
The beacon in Bridgnorth
The beacon as it was lit in Bridgnorth
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