Shropshire Star

The time a Shropshire town rallied round to replace the railings along its historic walk

Damage to railings along Castle Walk in Bridgnorth has raised safety fears along the town's Cliff Railway - and stirred 40-year-old memories of the townsfolk rallying to fund those same railings.

Castle Walk circa 1980 before the railings were installed

Staff at the funicular railway said last week that a number of the railings along the walk have come loose and are in need of repair.

Operators at the Cliff Railway have reported the loose railings to Shropshire Council, following fears visitors could be injured if the railings above the 111ft-high Cliff Railway give way.

However, a local historian has said that the railings were originally installed 40 years ago, after the townsfolk of Bridgnorth rallied round and bought the iron balustrades themselves.

Bridgnorth historian Clive Gwilt has unearthed photographs and documents detailing the installation of the railings along Castle Walk following a £100,000 renovation project conducted by the former authority of Shropshire County Council, with some funds raised by Bridgnorth Town Council.

Castle Walk circa 1980 before the railings were installed