Shropshire Star

'We'd love to know what she was up to!' Relieved couple reunited with cockapoo after 15-day odyssey

An overjoyed Bridgnorth couple reunited with their beloved cockapoo after the dog vanished for 15 days say the adventurous pup now has "the best tracker money can buy".


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Harriet Jones and Luke Doran were on holiday in Croatia when their beloved Honey was 'spooked' while on a walk with Luke's parents.

The couple flew back to Bridgnorth as soon as possible, and a search for their missing two-year-old dog began, but it was than two weeks before Honey was found.

“We never gave up hope but there were times when we thought the worst,” said Harriet, who explained that Honey ran off while on a walk on the course at Churchill & Blakedown Golf Club near Kidderminster on June 8.

“She was with Luke's parents on a walk and got spooked by another dog. It was just one of those freak accidents," she said. “We flew back on the Sunday to help find her.

"Luckily, Luke is really good on social media and our appeals to find her went viral – we were even on the radio. I think in the end we put up around 400 to 500 posters and it seemed absolutely everybody was looking for her.”

She said that while they were “distraught” at having lost Honey, neither of them gave up hope and the plucky pup was found in Hagley by two women, 15 days after going missing and around eight miles from where she wandered off.

Harriet and Luke were reunited with her on Sunday, June 23.

“She was absolutely fine,” said Harriet. “She was starving and in need of a good haircut but we took her to the vets and she was fine. We were so relieved to have her back.

“I wish we had a GoPro on her as we'd love to know what she was up to during that time.

“But she now has the best GPS tracker money can buy, as we are not risking her going missing again!”