Shropshire Star

Shropshire countryside going to waste due to 'impassable footpaths' say villagers

Residents in a Shropshire village say there are unable to enjoy the "miles of green open spaces" and some of the UK's most stunning walks due to the poorly maintained public footpaths around the parish.

A collapsed 'bridge' on one of the rights of way around Cressage

Villagers in Cressage say they feel "frustrated and limited" after a lack of maintenance by Shropshire Council and landowners has meant many of the country walk public rights of way around the village are now impassable.

Local parish councillor Rob Davies said he has pleaded with with the local authority to help, but says nothing has been done.

"The community has miles and miles of beautiful green open spaces, including the Severn Way, one of the most stunning walks in the country and follows Britain's longest river, and yet they can’t enjoy it because of lack of access through poorly maintained footpaths," he said.

Green spaces in Cressage are becoming 'limited' due to poor pathways

Councillor Davies added that has raised the issue directly with Shropshire Council and via the parish council but nothing has improved, and footpaths are still inaccessible and, in some cases, even dangerous.