Shropshire Star

Teacher died in 150ft fall on Snowdon danger ridge

A Wolverhampton teacher died in a 150ft plunge after trying to find a beauty spot pool on Snowdon days before Christmas, an inquest has heard.

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Crib Goch is Snowdon's most dangerous ridge. Photo: Andy Harbach.

Victoria Luck, 47, a special needs teacher, of Avondale Road, Wolverhampton, died on December 19. Her father Gordon Luck described her as “energetic, healthy and active”, with a large circle of friends.

Assistant coroner for north west Wales, Sarah Riley, said the mother-of-two and her partner had tried to find the so-called “Infinity Pool” beauty-spot, accompanied by their dog.

They went up Crib Goch ridge - which has the reputation as Snowdon's most dangerous ridge - and then Miss Luck fell as they descended steep and difficult terrain about half a mile from the pool, which had been publicised on social media.

The plunge was not witnessed but her boyfriend heard her scream.

The coroner said the couple had not followed a known route down Crib Goch and they did not have a map.

Miss Luck suffered multiple injuries and a conclusion of misadventure was recorded by the coroner at Caernarfon.

Miss Luck’s partner, Matthew Radnor, said they had met last summer.

“Tor and I were in love, I felt I had met my soulmate. We made plans for the future and were intending to get married,” he said in a statement.

Mr Radnor had seen a TikTok video of the Infinity Pool and they had decided to visit it, booking into an hotel at Betws y Coed.

But Mr Radnor became unsure of their route while on the highest peak in Wales and England. Miss Luck had climbed down into a gully while Mr Radnor tried to find an easier route with the dog when he heard a “yelp”.

He shouted his partner’s name but got no reply.

Mr Radnor, on a video link to the inquest, became emotional during the hearing.

Coastguard helicopter paramedic Chris Bradshaw said Miss Luck’s body was found 150ft below Mr Radnor, on a steep slope. He was winched down to her.

Miss Luck had been below the North Ridge of narrow Crib Goch, which has been the scene of numerous tragedies.

Llanberis Mountain Rescue Team say Crib Goch is “extremely dangerous and should not be attempted by novice walkers”.

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