Shropshire Star

Locomotives to operate together at popular tourist attraction for first time in a century

Two Falcon locomotives will operate together for the first time in over 100 years.

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A popular tourist destination's oldest locomotive will be joining up with the newest steam engine of its kind at Corris Railway in June.

The 1878 built, No.3 locomotive, named 'Sir Hayden' from Talyllyn Railway - where it has been based since 1951 - will visit the Mid Wales narrow gauge line and be in action alongside No.10 which was built last year.

No.10 is the newest member of the 'Falcon' class, of which three were built for the Corris Railway in 1878.

Locomotive No.3 on a visit to Corris Railway last summer

The original Corris line closed in 1948, before two-years later, Talyllyn Railway purchased Corris No.3 and named the steam train 'Sir Haydn' after the former owner of the railway.

The locomotive is the only remaining original Falcon steam engine, and remaining member of a trio of locomotives that brought steam trains to the Dulas Valley for the first time.

Despite the 145-year-old gap between the construction of the trains, visitors in June will see that No.3 'Sir Haydn' and No.10 are of the same design.

Falcon locomotive No.10 leaving Maespoeth Junction on its first day of running in September last year

No.10 is part of the modern day Corris revival which aims to evoke the finest years of the original railway.

The revived railway features another steam locomotive, No.7 - a new member of a class - that first appeared on the line in 1921.

Today, passengers can travel between Corris Station and Maespoeth Junction in volunteer built carriages that follow the design of their Victorian era predecessors.

No.3 and No.10 are planned to be in action on regular service trains on Saturday, June 8, Sunday, June 16, and on Saturday, June 22 and 29.

A special gala day on Saturday, June 15 will a more intensive train service with the No.7 steam engine also in action.

It's believed that the last time two locomotives were seen in action together on the Corris Railway was over a century ago.

Visitors can enjoy workshops at the Maespoeth Junction and visit the Museum at Corris Station.

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