Shropshire Star

Noisy pub nights lead to hotel refunds and stricter rules

A hotel owner had to shell out hundreds of pounds in refunds to guests who suffered sleepless nights due to the noise coming from a pub next door.

Last updated
The Log Cabin in Llandrindod Wells with The Commodore Hotel behind it. Picture: Google Streetview.

Powys County Council’s Licensing sub-committee held a meeting on Wednesday, March 20, to review the licence of The Log Cabin.

The council has received complaints about noise levels coming from the pub’s beer garden in the early hours of the morning.

The Log Cabin has a licence with a closing time at 2.30am on weekends, Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, and New Year’s Eve.

Closing time is 12.30am from Monday to Thursday.

Andrea Murdock, the owner or The Commodore Hotel which is next door to The Log Cabin, had made the complaint last August.

Following advice from the council she kept a diary of noise incidents.

This led to the council’s environmental health department investigating the complaint in October and November last year.

Senior environmental health officer Paul Bufton explained that a box that measures noise was put into one of the hotel’s bedrooms.