Shropshire Star

Border golf club asked to close amid coronavirus rules confusion

A golf club on the Shropshire/Wales border has been landed in the rough after being asked to close its doors.

Last updated

Police were at Llanymynech Golf Club yesterday after Powys County Council asked for it to be closed.

Club officials said officers were only there to assist and were not there to enforce the closure of the club, and that further discussion over whether it can stay open are likely to take place early next week.

The club was permitted to remain open during December as it was judged to be under English rules.

Sian Whiteoak, club secretary, said: "Powys County Council have asked us to close for the time being. The police came in a supporting capacity. We're still in discussion with everybody.

"Our governing body for golf is in England. Our club house has been closed since October. It's one of those confusing situations because we are half and half (in Shropshire and Wales)."

Golf clubs are currently closed in Wales under alert Level 4 guidance. In England, even Tier 4 areas are allowed to have golf courses open for individual households, bubbles, or two people from different households to play. Shropshire is currently in Tier 3.

Llanymynech Golf Club pays its rates to Powys County Council but has holes on both sides of the border.

The council has been contacted for a comment.

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