Shropshire Star

Parking spaces to be removed in Market Drayton after safety fears

Some of Market Drayton's car parking spaces are one step closer to being removed following safety concerns.

Last updated
Festival Drayton Centre. Photo: Google StreetView.

Fears had been raised that the spaces by Market Drayton's Festival Drayton Centre in Frogmore Road are proving to be a hazard as cars try to avoid vehicles parked there.

Market Drayton Town Council discussed the issue at a meeting on Thursday and agreed to write to Shropshire Council to ask for the spaces to be removed, and an order for no parking to be put in place instead.

Geoff Vernon, from the Festival Drayton Centre, who was invited to speak at the meeting, said: "Those spaces were not requested by us.

"They have been abused as of late - people have been parking in them for days because the lamppost was changed and the sign was not put back.

"Now the sign has been put back people can park in the spaces for 30 minutes, no return within one hour.

"As far as we are concerned the spaces could be removed tomorrow - it wouldn't be any inconvenience to us and if it improves safety then it is a bonus for us."

Roger Hughes, Shropshire councillor for Market Drayton, proposed that the spaces are replaced with double yellow lines.

He said: "We need to put double yellow lines in instead of the spaces to stop everyone parking there.

"It needs a total ban on parking there."

Julie Jones, town council clerk, said the area had become dangerous.

"Vehicles are coming around the corner too fast, meaning they swing around the spaces," she said. "Because they are pulling out wide it means there isn't enough room for vehicles to pass each other as it is too narrow.

"I have noticed myself cars pulling out along there.

Mrs Jones added: "We have also received a complaint about people are parking in those spaces and just staying there."

Mrs Jones will now write to Shropshire Council to ask for the spaces to be removed and replaced with double yellow lines.

Also councillors said they are writing to Shropshire Council to ask for the pedestrian crossings in the town to be re-painted and the beacon lights replaced because drivers cannot see them clearly in the dark.

Councillor Hughes added: “We have three zebra crossings in the town which need repainting and the lights replaced.

"The road markings have disappeared at the crossing by Morrisons and you can hardly see the flashing lights.

"It is a serious accident waiting to happen.

"Lots of people have seen several misses at the pedestrian crossing by the Festival Drayton. They are happening quite regularly now so something needs to be done."