Shropshire Star

Action group set up to oppose eco homes near Market Drayton

An action group has been set up opposing plans to build 12 new five-bedroom eco homes in the open countryside near Market Drayton.

Last updated

Ashley Action Group was set up to fight plans for the new homes off Woodrow Way, Ashley.

It will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday at 7pm in St John the Baptist church, Ashley.

David Swan, a resident from Woodrow Way, said the meeting has been arranged for everyone to express their concerns.

He said: "We are opposing this development due to a number of reasons.

"Firstly the access to Ashley is down a single track which is very narrow in places and the entrance to this development will be through an existing cul-de-sac.

"We have spoken to the parish council and they object to these plans as well.

"We are very very concerned.

"Also these houses will be very out of keeping for the area as they will be huge five bedroom properties.

"They won't fit in with the area and also a field designated as having special landscape value will be lost."

Beryl Stone, another resident of Woodrow Way, has objected on the council’s website.

She said: “The access proposed via Woodrow Way is tiny, our drives are already too small and vehicles are parked in the road. Consequently re-cycling bins, ambulances, fire engines, super market deliveries all have problems accessing Woodrow Way.

"Charnes Road is the access from Woodrow Way which is a narrow country land built for horses and carriages and measures 11 ft and 50 feet long. Only one car can pass at a time and has no pavements.

“This application provides no affordable homes for our young people or people who cannot afford these very expensive houses."

The applicants, Marcus Machine and Tools ltd, plan to build 12 sustainable, low carbon four and five bedroom homes.

A design and access statement states: “The proposed development provides public open space. The buildings are of high quality design that matches contemporary and sustainable features.

“The proposed dwellings will provide a variety of family sized dwellings within generous plots.

“The development of green field land will be counteracted by the high quality nature of the scheme, its environmental credentials and the mixture of dwellings provided.

“The scheme aims to maintain the character of the landscape by making minimal changes to levels within the site and proposes an extensive landscaping scheme.

"The initial briefing highlighted that the dwellings were to be of high architectural design quality that will enhance and add to the attractive nature of the village."

Anyone wanting to contact the action group should email

To comment on the plans, go to planning on Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council