Shropshire Star

Council plots upgrade for sports facilities in Market Drayton

Leisure facilities in Market Drayton could be set for a boost after Shropshire Council said it was looking into options to improve the town’s sports fields.


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Council leisure bosses say long-term plans to switch the towns main sports facilities away from Greenfields and onto a potential new site at Longford Turning are on ice for “at least ten years”.

Now, the authority will take a fresh look at what can be done to improve facilities in Market Drayton after councillors expressed concerns that the existing pitches are suffering from over-use and underinvestment.

Among the improvements being considered for the area is an artificial sports pitch, which could be built at the town’s Grove School – but councillors have warned that any improvements would need to pay for themselves.

Leisure portfolio holder Rob Macey told a meeting of full council that the council would be working with the Town Council and Market Drayton Sports Association, and had commissioned a feasibility study to come up with options to improve sports facilities at Greenfields.

“Shropshire Council has confirmed that Greenfields Sports Ground won’t be relocated, or the site marketed, for at least 10 years. Therefore, our focus is now on improving the existing facilities at Greenfields to ensure they are fit for purpose,” he said.

“Once the feasibility work is complete and a preferred option identified, the Council will support applications for external funding and the necessary planning permission. This project is wholly reliant on external funding.

“This work will take three months to complete, during which the consultants will speak to all clubs and organisations that use Greenfields.

“The council is currently working with the Grove School to open up their playing fields for community use to address some of the overplay issue at Greenfields. Positive conversations have been had with the school, Market Drayton Rugby Club and Market Drayton Tigers FC about using the pitches from the start of the 24/25 Football and Rugby season.”

Councillor Macey added that initial work to build an astroturf sports pitch at the Grove School was also being considered, with a separate feasibility study underway – but warned that no council money would be available for the project.

“We are also talking to the school about building an astroturf pitch on the school site, to benefit both students and the wider community,” he added.

“We have commissioned Notts Sport to undertake a feasibility study and cost this. The construction of an astroturf pitch will be reliant on external funding.”

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