Shropshire Star

Daniel plays in top tournament

A Shropshire sixth former has just returned from a top golf tournament.

Daniel Haycocks

Daniel Haycocks was invited by England Golf to play in the North of England Amateur Championship.

Heis an Oswestry School Sports Scholar, and a member at Oswestry Golf Club.

He also plays regularly at Royal St Davids in Harlech to get experience playing on a links course and he plays for both Oswestry Golf Clb and for the Shropshire and Herefordshire U18 County Squad.

The teenager trains for two hours each weekday night and plays every weekend and has set himself a challenge to have won at least one England Golf event within the next three years.

He said: "Oswestry School has given me great support and encouragement in terms of my coaching outside school and entering big events. I've represented the school in golf at events

including the British Southern Schools Open Champions.

"As an individual sport, golf takes a lot of mental strength to become the best. I love the competition. It's mentally demanding and technically demanding, because there's only yourself to blame when things don't go well. You have to find a way of grinding things out. Individual scratch stroke play is what I really love. It's fiercely competitive, and it's a game that suits me."

Leading up to competition Dan's practice involves spending hours on a golf simulator to get his swing mechanics right, time on the driving range and then a practice round on the competition course to

Director of Sport at Oswestry School, Oliver Leaver said he was delighted that Daniel had been able to take part in the North of England Amateur Championship.

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