Shropshire Star

Lockdown dilemma for golf course that straddles Wales and England

A golf club with some of its holes in England and others in Wales is caught right in the middle of the different Coronavirus rules for people on either side of the border.

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Sandy Johnstone, of Llanymynech Golf Club, where part of the course is on Welsh land and the other part is on English land

As Wales faces a 'circuit breaker lockdown' lasting just over a fortnight, officials at Llanymynech Golf Club are holding talks over how the course deals with the situation.

Sandy Johnstone, who is on the club's committee, explained that while some of the holes are in Powys, others are in Shropshire, and the only road leading up to the course which overlooks the both countries, is completely in England.

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"We are a member of the England Golf Union and therefore abide by its rules," he said.

However, the clubhouse in licensed by Welsh authority Powys County Council.

Mr Johnstone said: "It may be that we shall have to close the clubhouse but keep the course open.

"That is what we did when it was decided that golf courses could reopen. We are holding meetings this week to talk through the situation and the best way to deal with it."