Shropshire Star

Work to exit from Oswestry's main car park on agenda

Councillors are to discuss ways of tackling issues surrounding the exit at Oswestry's main car park.

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Oswestry Town Council is looking at revamping the Oswestry Central Car Park

Town councillors are looking to upgrade the Central Car Park at a cost of around £500,000 and recently commissioned a consultation with the public over the way forward.

A meeting of the council on Wednesday will debate the report on its design and layout.

Town clerk Arren Roberts said £500,000 represented significant investment but a large proportion of this is the cost of resurfacing the car park.

"In considering the project, members will need to be mindful of the impact on the wider town when work on the car park is carried out," he said.

The consultation showed that the exit, onto Roft Street and Ferrers Road, was the main bugbear flagged up. Residents have been campaigning for many years to have the exit moved.

Some called for the exit to be on Salop Road as well as the entrance.

But the engineer involved in the report said: "“We are of the view that the present entrance from Salop Street and exit to Roft Street provides the overall best balance in distributing traffic movements to and from the car park. The only other feasible place to establish an additional entry or exit would be to Smithfield Road.

"However, there is an existing old stone wall located along the boundary with the car park and whilst this is not listed, given the car park is located within a conservation area, creating a new opening in the wall is likely to be a point of contention with the local planning authority and conservation officers.

"Furthermore, the creation of an additional access here is not likely to create any real benefit and would ultimately lead to additional traffic on English Walls, which is likely to be undesirable.”

Mr Roberts said option three of the upgrade detailed improvements to the exit including a central pedestrian refuge area. It also details kerb build outs and rubber speed bumps to slow down traffic.

"The issue of pedestrian safety at the exit is of paramount concern and the priority for the work. Changes need to improve visibility on the Ferrers Rd/ Roft St Junction, slow vehicles down at the exit and improve the crossing for pedestrians. This will be supplemented by improved signage," he said.

He is recommending that the council asks a highways engineer to draw up a scheme based on feedback from members and the public.

"There isn’t a correct answer, but it is important that traffic is slowed at the exit and that pedestrian safety is improved."

Other issued raised include crossing from the car park to Smithfield Street, wider spaces the need for parent and child spaces and more electric charging points.