Shropshire Star

From cinema to bowling green and tennis courts - so much more at village hall

A village hall near Ellesmere has been secured for another generation, thanks to dedicated volunteers, and a national lottery community fund.

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Outside Criftins Parish/Village hall are bar manager, Trisha Taylor and Chairman, John Chapman..

The Criftins village/parish hall, has had its roof completely renewed, one of the finishing touches to a huge repair and refurbishment project.

Now the trustees have an impressive programme of events planned and are appealing to people to use the hall.

On Saturday the blockbuster move hit of the year, Barbie, will be shown at the hall thanks to its community cinema equipment.

Enjoying the coffee club, front Andrea Lee and Sid Barnes

The foundations for the hall's future were set out in a three year business plan written last year.

Chair of trustees, John Chapman said: "We have a new committee of trustees securing the future for the next generation.

"The roof is waterproof now, which was a real necessity," he said.

"We have had the help of the parish council, which has given us more than £14,000, and a number of other grants."

Bar Manager: Trustee: Trisha Taylor.

Other improvements include a complete refurbishment of the building.

Mr Chapman said the hall was a huge asset to the area.

"It is expensive to maintain and old building and we do need people to support the hall."

Chairman: John Chapman.

One of its assets is the village post office within the building, something Mr Chapman described as a lifeline for the rural area.

The hall itself has its community bar which includes snooker tables and darts facilities and there is also the community hall, available for hire to both organisations and individuals.

Outside are a bowling green, tennis courts and other outdoor space. There are currently 40 solar panels, with plans to fit more.

"If we could double the amount of solar panels is would wipe our our energy costs," said Mr Chapman.

"There is still work to do. The bowls lounge is very tired and the ceiling needs replacing."

The bowling green

"We are looking at turning it into a space that could become a community space that smaller groups could use, that could be maybe a flexible, multi-purpose space with hot desk and IT facilities."

"We have to look at ways to increase our income. The Friends of Criftins Parish Hall has taken over the old 200 club with an offer that those who join can then get 10 per cent off their hiring fee."

"If we get 250 people onto the scheme we can raise £10,000."

Chair of the Allotment Society: Peter Broadbent and Anne Byrne, with the club at the back and also at the back: Chairman: John Chapman.

Regular users include a bingo session and community coffee events along with a senior citizens' Monday Club.

"We would love to see more groups for people under the age of 18 use us - we have a subsidised rate for them," said Mr Chapman.

"We have to balance our books and try to make a small surplus. But we have deliberately kept prices the same for the last two years."

"The facilities are crying out to be used more than they are. We would love to have local businesses on board to have both social gatherings there and for instance, training days."

"Communities are struggling today, there is a loss of identity. they are not what they were in the past. We have a role to play in finding creative ways to meet the needs of the community."

"We would love people to find us on Facebook, share our posts and get the hall better known. And if they want somewhere to meet, if they want to set up an interest group of they need a space, we are very flexible, friendly and we do everything we can to help."

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