Shropshire Star

Life changing move for St Martins family

For any family, a new home is a big change.

Helen Roberts with daughters Martha and Ellie.

But for the Roberts family, their new bungalow has been life changing, particularly for eight-year-old daughter Martha.

Helen, Ian and their five daughters, from St Martins, moved into a new purpose-built home this summer, as part of a development by the Wrekin Housing Trust.

Martha, is a bit of a star; she was recently recognised by West Mercia Police with a good citizen award.

Like many children she loves giraffes, drawing and playing with her sisters.

But a neuro muscular disorder physically affects her body in many ways meaning she has various support needs and her symptoms become progressively worse over the course of the day.

Their new four-bedroom bungalow features has a family kitchen and lounge area together with a wet room which is kitted out with specialist equipment to assist Martha with her day to day needs.

Designed to be fully accessible for wheelchair the property has everything in place to enable further adaptions such as hoists in the future if required.

The family’s previous three bedroom home had an upstairs bathroom and didn’t offer Martha the space to use her wheelchair, which meant she had to be physically carried upstairs to be washed.

Her mother, Helen said: “This bungalow is simply amazing for us all. It has given me and the family immense peace of mind. I was worried that Martha’s room would feel clinical but it doesn’t at all.

The wet room has been such a blessing and I know that whatever happens in the future we have a home that can adapt and cope with any changes. Martha’s health has improved since our move mainly due to lessening physical demands of the property”

Martha said: “I now have the best bedroom ever and enjoy sharing it with my sister. I love it in here and having two bathrooms means I don’t have to wait anymore.”

Steve Swann, development manager for The Wrekin Housing Trust, said: “I’m thrilled to see the positive effect the new bungalow has had for the Roberts family following their move.

£It’s testament to the partnerships we’ve formed by working with The Bower Farm Project Board, Shropshire Council and local construction firm, CGL Homes that we’ve been able to provide the right homes for local people in the area of St Martins.”

Emma Banks, senior occupational therapist for Shropshire Council said: “The provision of this specialist housing for Martha and her family has been life changing.

"It has enabled all of Martha’s disability needs to be met and for the family unit to function on a day to day basis without the previous additional stresses. Since the move to this bungalow the physical and mental wellbeing of the whole family has improved vastly.”

The move has also allowed for a new family member Labrador puppy Tilly who is looking forward to a future with the family as Martha’s assistance dog. Tilly will be starting her training once she reaches her first birthday.

As well as changing people’s lives for the better, the Bower Farm development has generated £13.7 million to the economy, and created over 125 jobs including a number of apprenticeship opportunities.