Shropshire Star

Hero taxi driver saves pensioner's life

A quick thinking taxi driver saved his fare's life after the pensioner collapsed as he went to get in to his car.


Phillip Smith, 47, was parked up outside The Shrewsbury Hotel on Smithfield Road, Shrewsbury to collect his elderly passenger at 6.15pm on Sunday.

But as the elderly gentleman went to get in to the car, he gasped and fell to the ground.

Along with two other men, Phillip managed to get him inside the cab where he performed CPR - despite never having undertaken the emergency first aid training.

Back at work yesterday, Phillip, who lives in Bayston Hill with his wife Bridgette, was modest about his life-saving actions but proud that he had been able to spring in to action.

He had known the man, who is in his late 70s, for around 25 years.

Both worked as taxi drivers in and around Shrewsbury and would often see each other during their shifts.

Phillip had gone to the Wetherspoon's Pub early on Sunday evening to collect the man and take him back to his home in Spring Gardens.

"As he got in the car I asked him if he had his inhaler, as I knew his breathing was bad," said Phillip. "He suddenly gasped and fell down.

"I ran round to him and managed to get him in to the back of the taxi where it was clear I had to do something. I started to do CPR and it felt like I was doing it for about half an hour. I know it can't of been that long as the paramedics arrived quickly and took over from me. They said I had done a good job, but I have not had any medical training, I just did what I thought I should do.

"It was very emotional because I knew him. I have known him for years, since he was a driver for Bibby's and I was with Town & Star Taxis and he has been a customer for around 20 years.

"I am proud of what I did. I just wanted to help him. He is a lovely man, a real gentleman and I don't expect anything for helping him. I just hope someone would do it for me if they needed to."

After the ambulance had left to take the man to the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Phillip returned to the pub, where he was given a standing ovation.

"Everyone was clapping and saying well done," Phillip added.

Bridgette added: "There is usually a lot of bad press regarding taxi drivers but he brought the gentleman back and the ambulance crew took over his care, even the crew said well done to him. He is a true hero."

The man was taken to hospital where his condition is said to be stable.