Shropshire Star

Council leader demands roadworks answers

The leader of Shrewsbury Town Council says the reputation of the town is being damaged with the ongoing roadworks.


Work has been underway since the spring of 2016 to renew road surfaces, reconfigure roundabouts and junctions, relay pavements and install new kerbstones.

It is being carried out as part of the £12 million Shrewsbury Integrated Transport Package (SITP) being completed by Shropshire Council.

But Councillor Alan Mosley, who also sits on Shropshire Council says the council needs to explain why the work has taken so long and justify the disruption it has caused.

Following on from works on the Wyle Cop,11 days of roadworks have started on Ellesmere Road.

The work, outside the entrance to the Old Garden Nurseries, will continue until March 30.

It is the latest in a string of works with significant work taking place at Meole Brace roundabout, Sutton Park roundabout, Reabrook roundabout, and the English Bridge Gyratory/Coleham Head.

Traffic signals will also be in place on The Mount and outside number 171 Sundorne Road until tomorrow (FRI) and on the A458 from Cross Houses to Cound Junction, Cross Houses, from until Tuesday(27).

Later this year work will be begin on the upgrading of Pride Hill, under the SITP plans.

Councillor Mosley has requested a review of the roadworks and a task and finish group to be established. He added: "People are bemused as to what is going on. They are disgusted it has taken so long for so little. We need to get some answers. It is bringing great harm to businesses and to the vitality of the town centre. It must be putting off visitors in the medium and longer term and damaging the reputation of Shrewsbury."

Steve Davenport, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for highways and transport,said: “Since spring 2016 a programme of roadworks and road improvements has been taking place across Shrewsbury. These works fall into three categories: essential work by utilities companies; works related to current and future housing developments; and work being carried out as part of the Shrewsbury Integrated Transport Package (SITP).

“Though some short-term disruption for road users is unfortunately inevitable all works are carefully programmed by Shropshire Council, developers, and our utility company partners.

“These important works will maintain local highways and utility services around the town to the highest standards, and deliver major investment in further improvements required for the continued growth of Shrewsbury’s housing and town centre economy.”