Shropshire Star

Students to help with Shropshire Council IT system

Students are being asked to help Shropshire Council deliver a new IT system as the authority is struggling to find people to implement the scheme, which is set to save the authority millions of pounds.


A report which went to the council's audit committee last month said that the start date has been delayed until October 31 this year - eight weeks after it was originally planned.

The report says: "The ability to resource the project remains an issue and has made it necessary to delay slightly the planned go live date for (Enterprise Resource Planning) ERP until October 31. This will not impact the go live dates for social care.

"Bringing in resource remains problematic, to mitigate the issues this creates we are looking at what activities can be stopped temporarily or changed to free resources for the project.

"We are looking to move resources from other areas to cover. In addition as we have exhausted the agencies as a means bringing in staff we have advertised for university/college students to come and work with us over the summer."

Clive Wright, Shropshire Council’s chief executive, said many employers, including the council, are finding it difficult to fill particular positions.

He said: “Employment levels in Shropshire are at a high, which is really positive for our communities and our economy.

"Many employers, including Shropshire Council, are experiencing difficulties in recruiting to particular occupations and professions.

“The digital transformation programme in the council is the next step in driving efficiency. It will be a revolution rather than a step change and will enable the council to meet people’s needs in innovative ways - ways in which people want to do business.

“To deliver the digital transformation programme the council needs new and additional IT skills but because of high employment has been unable to attract the number of people we would like.

"This means the programme will take slightly longer to deliver. One action we are taking to minimise impact is to offer students and graduates work over the summer, giving them valuable, paid experience working with cutting edge technology alongside top IT professionals from both the public and private sector.

“Anyone interested in applying for an IT role in the council should email”